
Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Craft Project

My Recent Craft Project!
I was trying to figure out what to give for Mother's Day this year and it dawned on me yesterday that I had ordered these crafts from one of my Relief Society gatherings and never got around to actually doing them.  Perfect gifts for my mother and mother-in-law!  Kolby and I had fun painting them but he pretty much quit on me after the painting.  Oh well!  I think they turned out pretty good.  I can't wait to give them to my mothers ;)  I think they will love them!
This week has been really nice.  I have had no doctor' appointments or places to run to during the day.  I have literally stayed home all week!  I don't remember the last time I had a week like this.  McKaybree and I have been having a blast-going for walks outside everyday.  Even though our walks only consist of 2-3 houses down our street and back.  I love watching her discover the rocks and grass and noises of outside.  She has also discovered the trampoline this week and is in love with jumping on it.  It's the cutest thing ever...she learned to jumped by me showing her how to bend her knees and saying "one, two, three"  She can actually say "ONE" in her own little way and now goes around the house saying it while trying to jump.
Yesterday I helped Kolby put all his coins into wrappers and then trade them in at the bank for "Dollars".  He is one rich man!  He has a total of $66!  Now it's burning a hole in his pocket and he keeps asking me over and over again when he can go to the store to spend it.  Usually he likes to save it so it's kind of funny that he is so anxious to spend it now.  Kamden on the other hand has like $4 maybe $5 is all but wants to help Kolby spend all of his money! Big surprise there;)  In fact the other day Kamden wrote Kolby an actual note and left it on his bed.  It said something like:
Dear Kolby
I want Fang Piery Ambush(Legos) and I will pay you all my money if you will buy it for me.
Love Kamden
I think this lego set Kamden wants is around $40!  HAhahaha  Funny kids.
I started sewing Kamden's praying mantis costume this morning for his BUGZ musical next week.  I will post a pic when I get it all done.  I ran out of bobbin and couldn't figure out how to get my machine to work again after I rethreaded it a dozen times!  I finally gave up until my mom can show me how her old machine works.....she gave me her old sewing machine from when she was first married.  It's an oldie but goldie;)  I have the best mom ever!
Ok my last tid bit on here is.....a PLEA for HELP!  I want my blog to be super cute but need someone to give me some tips on how to do it.  Anything would be appreciated. Thanks!
Signing off til next time,


  1. Hey! Yay that you started a blog! I love reading about your cute family! I can't believe how close we are in our pregnancies--so fun!!!

    So there are a few websites that you can get cute backgrounds from. They usually have instructions on the website on how to install them on your blog. My favorites are shabbyblogs.com & delightfuldots.blogspot.com. It's not super hard to do...you just have to play around a bit! Good luck :)

  2. so...I went to the delightfuldots.blogspot.com after I wrote that comment and realized that the designer isn't making blog backgrounds anymore! She does have a list on the side of her blog with links to other sites that do. www.leeloublogs.blogspot.com has cute ones and so does thecutestblogontheblock.com. Anyways, sorry for the long comment! :)

    By the way, your Mother's Day gifts are CUTE!
