
Friday, May 18, 2012

Kamden's First Grade musical

This week we had Kamden's "Bugz" musical at his school.  I had help from my mother and my mother in law to put together a praying mantis costume.  It turned out pretty good for an amateur if I do say so myself ;)  Here are some pics of that night.

I was so proud of Kamden.  He did his part so well!  He spoke clearly and slowly.  Everyone could understand what he was saying.  McKaybree was so stinking cute during it too.  Once it started she was mesmerized.  Then she would dance during all of their songs.  Grandma Hansen and Grandma Madsen both came to watch him.  I will have to get the pics from them. We did take some pics of Kamden with them but for some reason I don't have any on my camera.
I had a ultrasound this week to check on the baby's heart.  Good news!  Everything looks perfect.  He is growing and everything else looks normal too.  So hopefully no surprises at the hospital like last time with our little girl.  So Jeremy and I have come up with 2 names we like for this baby boy.  Finally!  We couldn't come up with anything for a while and it was starting to bug me.  Ok so feel free to voice an opinion on what you like:
Kash, Kache, or Kach
Kace or Kase
Only one week left of school for the boys.....mixed feelings there.  It'll be nice to be done but it'll also be a little more crazy around our house for the next couple months. Oh well....change is good!  Just think...next year all day school for both of them!  Yes I am an excited mother.  Kolby is totally ready for it;)
Mother's day this year was wonderful!  My husband took me out to the Olive Garden on Saturday night.  Yummy food and great company!  Then the next morning, I got a cute card from my kids and also got to have breakfast in bed, which was my favorite!  French toast with powdered sugar and bacon.  Then to top it off, a cinnamon roll on the side!  Plus my family totally cleaned the house while I got to hang out in bed.  Church was good.  I am the primary chorister right now and had taught the kids the sign language to the song, Mother I love you.  We did it for sacrament meeting....so awesome!  After a yummy roast beef and mashed potato dinner, we went and visited the folks.  My mother and mother in law loved their gift.  We also gave Karen and Great grandma Madsen a poem telling them we were replacing their rotting clothes lines with new ones. My mother got a trip to Pocatello to have her favorite meal at Red Lobster!  Perk-I got to take her! Then the last bit about Mother's day- I finally got a Kitchenaid!  Plus $50 in Kohl's cash-which I went and spent on maternity clothes. So excited for it to arrive and then I can make something with it!
Overall this has been a busy week but so good!  That's my update for the last week.

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