
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Graduation and Our Family Garden

It's amazing how fast a week can go by!  First off-
Dillon(my brother-in-law) graduated from high school yesterday!  Yea!  Here are a couple of pics.
Dillon and Becca
Tyanna and Dillon
Dillon and Dax

Kire, Matt, Lyndsey, Dillon, Taylor, Jenn and Elizabeth

The Family
The proud Mother, Karen and her graduate Dillon!

So Jeremy is swamped with work and couldn't get off in order to come and therefore I chose to leave my children with my mom.  They had a blast because Porter and Ethan(cousins) got to come over and play while mom was away!  What an ambitious grandma too:)
         Last Saturday afternoon we decided to plant our family garden.  This sweet little lady and her husband who live 2 doors down graciously allowed us to use their garden spot this year.  We went to the local gardening stores and purchased our seeds.  Then it really was a family affair to plant our garden.  It was really fun too.  Although it was hard for me to pull weeds and bend over as I am sure you can see my baby belly is definitely in the way!  Even McKaybree had fun planting.  The boys were pretty good helpers too.  Jeremy is definitely our work horse-we couldn't have done it without him.  He is the green thumb in our family!  Here are some pics:
Digging up some weeds

Dad and Daughter.....ahhhh!

Dad rotatiling up the ground and Kolby grabbing weeds



Family affair planting the onions

Dad and his boys

Little helping hands make light work....sort of;)

Mom planting the Bell peppers

     We planted corn, peas, bell peppers, onions, cilantro, and baby spinach!  Hopefully we will have some yummy vegetables this summer!  Can't wait for the corn.
      My Kitchenaid came this week!  My mom and I decided to break it in and made a whole bunch of cinnamon rolls on Tuesday.  They are so yummy and I have to share.....a picture atleast.
If you come by today or tomorrow there may still be a few left I would be willing to share though!
McKaybree dancing to the music!
Today my both my boys went to school for the whole day!  Kolby was so excited to go to school ALL DAY.  Plus it's the last day of kindergarten too.  They were supposed to have a field day and play outside but of course it's Idaho and the weather decided to hail, rain and snow!  Instead we had lunch inside and I got to come and eat with them.  I just have to share a video and pic of the activity/music time we got to participate in during Kamden's classroom.  McKaybree was the star of the show and had all the kids laughing at her.  She was so funny and cute! (video isn't seeming to work....any suggestions?)
That about wraps it up for our week.  I just have to say though that I am so excited for Saturday.....Barnes Annual Family CRAB CRACK!  Can you say, "All you can eat crab"!??!  I love it! Can't wait:)
Til next time,

Friday, May 18, 2012

Kamden's First Grade musical

This week we had Kamden's "Bugz" musical at his school.  I had help from my mother and my mother in law to put together a praying mantis costume.  It turned out pretty good for an amateur if I do say so myself ;)  Here are some pics of that night.

I was so proud of Kamden.  He did his part so well!  He spoke clearly and slowly.  Everyone could understand what he was saying.  McKaybree was so stinking cute during it too.  Once it started she was mesmerized.  Then she would dance during all of their songs.  Grandma Hansen and Grandma Madsen both came to watch him.  I will have to get the pics from them. We did take some pics of Kamden with them but for some reason I don't have any on my camera.
I had a ultrasound this week to check on the baby's heart.  Good news!  Everything looks perfect.  He is growing and everything else looks normal too.  So hopefully no surprises at the hospital like last time with our little girl.  So Jeremy and I have come up with 2 names we like for this baby boy.  Finally!  We couldn't come up with anything for a while and it was starting to bug me.  Ok so feel free to voice an opinion on what you like:
Kash, Kache, or Kach
Kace or Kase
Only one week left of school for the boys.....mixed feelings there.  It'll be nice to be done but it'll also be a little more crazy around our house for the next couple months. Oh well....change is good!  Just think...next year all day school for both of them!  Yes I am an excited mother.  Kolby is totally ready for it;)
Mother's day this year was wonderful!  My husband took me out to the Olive Garden on Saturday night.  Yummy food and great company!  Then the next morning, I got a cute card from my kids and also got to have breakfast in bed, which was my favorite!  French toast with powdered sugar and bacon.  Then to top it off, a cinnamon roll on the side!  Plus my family totally cleaned the house while I got to hang out in bed.  Church was good.  I am the primary chorister right now and had taught the kids the sign language to the song, Mother I love you.  We did it for sacrament meeting....so awesome!  After a yummy roast beef and mashed potato dinner, we went and visited the folks.  My mother and mother in law loved their gift.  We also gave Karen and Great grandma Madsen a poem telling them we were replacing their rotting clothes lines with new ones. My mother got a trip to Pocatello to have her favorite meal at Red Lobster!  Perk-I got to take her! Then the last bit about Mother's day- I finally got a Kitchenaid!  Plus $50 in Kohl's cash-which I went and spent on maternity clothes. So excited for it to arrive and then I can make something with it!
Overall this has been a busy week but so good!  That's my update for the last week.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Craft Project

My Recent Craft Project!
I was trying to figure out what to give for Mother's Day this year and it dawned on me yesterday that I had ordered these crafts from one of my Relief Society gatherings and never got around to actually doing them.  Perfect gifts for my mother and mother-in-law!  Kolby and I had fun painting them but he pretty much quit on me after the painting.  Oh well!  I think they turned out pretty good.  I can't wait to give them to my mothers ;)  I think they will love them!
This week has been really nice.  I have had no doctor' appointments or places to run to during the day.  I have literally stayed home all week!  I don't remember the last time I had a week like this.  McKaybree and I have been having a blast-going for walks outside everyday.  Even though our walks only consist of 2-3 houses down our street and back.  I love watching her discover the rocks and grass and noises of outside.  She has also discovered the trampoline this week and is in love with jumping on it.  It's the cutest thing ever...she learned to jumped by me showing her how to bend her knees and saying "one, two, three"  She can actually say "ONE" in her own little way and now goes around the house saying it while trying to jump.
Yesterday I helped Kolby put all his coins into wrappers and then trade them in at the bank for "Dollars".  He is one rich man!  He has a total of $66!  Now it's burning a hole in his pocket and he keeps asking me over and over again when he can go to the store to spend it.  Usually he likes to save it so it's kind of funny that he is so anxious to spend it now.  Kamden on the other hand has like $4 maybe $5 is all but wants to help Kolby spend all of his money! Big surprise there;)  In fact the other day Kamden wrote Kolby an actual note and left it on his bed.  It said something like:
Dear Kolby
I want Fang Piery Ambush(Legos) and I will pay you all my money if you will buy it for me.
Love Kamden
I think this lego set Kamden wants is around $40!  HAhahaha  Funny kids.
I started sewing Kamden's praying mantis costume this morning for his BUGZ musical next week.  I will post a pic when I get it all done.  I ran out of bobbin and couldn't figure out how to get my machine to work again after I rethreaded it a dozen times!  I finally gave up until my mom can show me how her old machine works.....she gave me her old sewing machine from when she was first married.  It's an oldie but goldie;)  I have the best mom ever!
Ok my last tid bit on here is.....a PLEA for HELP!  I want my blog to be super cute but need someone to give me some tips on how to do it.  Anything would be appreciated. Thanks!
Signing off til next time,

Friday, May 4, 2012

Green Smoothie Morning!

GREEN Smoothie morning!

I just had to share this cute picture I took this morning.  I made a chocolate, PB and banana smoothie and all my kids were slurping on it before Kamden left for school.  It makes me feel like I am being a good mom when my kids are getting some good healthy food in their tummys.  It has a whole bunch of baby spinach, coconut milk, flax seed oil, protein powder, bananas, PB, and some Nesquik chocolate(not super healthy...oh well). I think it tastes pretty tasty if I do say so myself. Although my mom tried it one morning and said she thought it wasn't so tasty....hehehe :)

The other thing I wanted to mention is that I have a HOT date tonight!  I bought tickets to the Diamond Rio concert tonight at BYU-I.  This is a band that Jeremy and I used to listen to all the time when we were dating.  The best part....the tickets only cost me $16 for both of them!  Jeremy is actually really excited too which makes it even better.  It has been a long time since I have been to a concert.  I know this will be a different kind of concert because it's at the college but I am still excited! Well that is all for now.  I have to finish my green smoothie and get folding some laundry.  Oh the joys of taking care of a home;)


Thursday, May 3, 2012

My First Post!

May 3rd, 2012
I have been inspired by many friends to start my own blog, so HERE it is finally!  My goal with this blog is to keep track of the cute things my kids say and do so I can remember them.  I also want to use this as my avenue for a family journal/scrapbook.  I will try to figure out pictures so I can add them with my posts.  It's always more fun with pictures, right?
So as of today Kamden is 6 1/2 years old, Kolby is 5 1/2 years old and McKaybree is 15 months old.  I am 25 weeks pregnant.  Kamden is in 1st grade and Kolby is in kindergarten. I just have to say that I am thoroughly enjoying motherhood especially with my toddler. Our time together while the boys are at school is the best!  "She is such a ham"!  Jeremy and I say that about her all the time.  I am truly blessed to have a little girl and I can't wait for all the girly stuff we will get to do together as she gets older!  Now don't get me wrong because I love my boys too!  They are awesome helpers and such good little boys.  Kamden loves to read and is really good at it too.  Kolby is such a busy body and loves to work with his dad at almost any chance he can.  He loves to earn and save his money, while Kamden could be quite the opposite. tee hee....one like mom and one like dad. (figure out who is like who);)
Right now I am just enjoying not taking on too many extras in my life.  I finished up school about a month ago and am now just enjoying being a mom and homemaker.  My goal by the end of the month is to have all my recipes organized and assembled into one book.  I also am going to start focusing on my pictures too.  I have neglected scrapbooks for too long.  It is a sad day when my boys want to look at their books and Kolby's is only done until he turned one year old and Kamden's has his done until about 2yrs old.  I am only a few years behind! haha  So this is my little rant for the day! Until next time:)