
Friday, June 8, 2012

Kamden's 7th Birthday

Kamden's 7th Birthday
Kamden and Kolby with Coach Jones

     This week has been busy!  The boys had a basketball camp Monday thru Thursday every morning from 9-10:30(Kolby) and then 10:30-12(Kamden).  They absolutely loved it!  It was really good for them to learn a new sport and practice it.  Kolby said his favorite part was shooting hoops and getting candy.  Kamden said his favorite part was playing "dribble tag" and "over the river".  They both did really well and I am so proud of them.  Maybe we will have basketball stars in our future?!?!
     The only sad part about our week was little McKaybree has had the stomach flu.  I hate it when toddlers puke and poop like crazy!  It's so hard because they can't tell you when they are going to throw up and so it then becomes very messy. :(  She has had it since Saturday evening.  Today I think she is finally over it!  Hooray!    The bummer part for me was I had bought tickets for the Bill Cosby show up to BYU-I for my husband, my mother & father in law & myself, then I had to give my ticket to great Grandma Madsen because I couldn't leave McKaybree with a sitter.  Which was double bummer because her cousin Lyric was going to be her first real sitter.  Guess it just means I need to plan another date with my husband so we can get Lyric to actually babysit.
      The last day of basketball camp was also Kamden's b-day.  He celebrated it with having a few friends over to play after camp while I had my hair done.  My dear friend Kristan Taylor came over to touch up my hair and we let all the boys play while McKaybree napped.  It worked out perfectly.  The boys had a blast and us girls got to catch up.
Madsen boys & Taylor boys

Then to top off Kamden's birthday we grabbed Bambinos for dinner.  I let Kamden choose whatever he wanted for his birthday dinner and that was his first choice.  After we scarfed them down we headed over to the boys baseball game.  They did really good too!  They don't really keep score but Kamden and Kolby both hit the ball REALLY good and it was pretty good for their first game ever with a fast pitching machine.  I also let Kamden buy whatever treat he wanted to share with his team. He bought chocolate chocolate chip cookies.  He loved them but they don't tempt me in the slightest.  When we got home we put more candles on his cake and sang to him again.  He already opened his presents before dad left to work that morning so we pretty much just ate some cake and called it a night!  He gets to have a real birthday celebration on Monday with his cousins.  BBQ and then off to Blast Off!  He is excited for that and told me this morning he gets to be the birthday boy until after his party on Monday.....lol! I told him he was sadly mistaken;)
        Well it seems our life has been crazy busy which I shouldn't complain about because it just means Jeremy has work.  He is a a working fool!  What I mean by that is he has been leaving for work so early and then working til late if he can get away with it.  When I say early I mean like 6 or 7 am and then the other night he didn't even make it home til 10pm.  He is such a trooper and doesn't even complain about his long hours.  I just have to remind myself that it won't be like this forever and it just means we are going to be able to reach our goals a lot sooner.  We really would like to build us another home within the next year but we also want to try to stay out of as much debt as possible too.  It has been so nice not being "house poor" like we were a few years ago.  We are definitely not making that mistake again.
        This pregnancy has been going pretty well.  I am almost to 31 weeks.  This little man has been kicking and moving like crazy which is a good sign.  He also has been giving me lots of heartburn and midnight pee runs too.  It is the cutest thing though- McKaybree is so sweet to him(well my tummy).  I tell her there is a baby in there and she will rub my tummy softly and then give him kisses!  It just melts my heart.  I just hope she is that sweet and tender with him when he comes out;) That's about all my updates for the last week or so. 
p.s. I am going to try to post the video I took of the boys playing a game of basketball against each other at their camp if I can get it to work.
OK it isn't working....can anyone tell me how to do it?  What's the trick?

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